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Thursday, February 10, 2011

Power of the Air Waves

There is something so precious listening to my little kids sings praise and worship songs. Austin rocks out to "Beautiful One" and Abigail loves singing with Christ Tomlin and Elijah can get down with "He Reigns". It is a beautiful sound..even if it is to only me and Jesus.

I love worship music, Christian music, anything that brings praises to my King. So when life is tough or I need a boost, my ipod comes in handy. But, even in the dead of night, His songs resound over even the radio waves.

We listen to AM Talk Radio at night. It helps us fall asleep. So, if Jeff wakes up in the middle of the night, he turns back on the radio to listen. The other night, we were listening to some show in the middle of the night, and they were discussing devil worship. This guy talked about how he worship the devil and all this other weird stuff. People were even calling in asking questions. Sickening.

Then a miracle happened. While this guys was talking about his twisted sense of worship, Travis Cottrell's "The Lamb Has Overcome" played over from another station. Pretty soon, all that was heard was how "if the Son has set me free, then I am free, I am free indeed and nothing can take that from me, when I am free, forever free." Jeff didn't hear it, but that penetrated my sleepy mind and sent me back into a more peaceful sleep.

Thank you Jesus for You control the air waves! His praises will resound and triumph over the devil. Even in the middle of the darkest night, His sound is still heard. The Lamb has overcome! Amen!

Happy Thursday!

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